The Ten Commandments of Internet Commenting

Like Moses coming down from Mount Sinai, I interrupt your Golden Calf internet orgy to present to you the Ten Commandments of Internet Commenting.  I bring them down from an angry internet God who has judged you and found you wanting.

Much like the other God, they are presented without comment or explanation.  Because, honestly, they should be self explanatory.  But you can spend the next 2000-3000 years discussing and misinterpreting and generally believing they don’t apply to you.


  1. Thou shalt not ask why a story is on a particular blog.
  2. Thou shalt not click on articles that do not interest you.
  3. Thou shalt use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  4. Remember the snark and keep it holy.
  5. Thou shalt not comment solely to ask why a story was published or that it does not interest you.
  6. What happened to your mother’s cousin’s friend from college does not negate the findings of a scientific study.
  7. Thou shalt not threadjack.
  8. It’s not about you.
  9. Thou shalt not troll.  But if you must, at least be clever.
  10. Don’t be a dick.

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