In some corners of this messed up planet we call earth people are taking to the streets to riot and set fire to things because their government is trying to kill them. In Vancouver, though, people took to the streets to riot and burn stuff because their government set up big screen TVs in the streets so they could watch their beloved Canucks play Boston in game 7 on the Stanley Cup finals. Let’s have a look at some of the video footage shall we? It’s a riot roundup!
Pointing out that the Canucks lost spectacularly hardly seems worth pointing out as it’s likely people would have rioted even if they had won. Hell, they probably would have rioted harder! Vancouver is a nice city but they seem to take their hockey pretty seriously, the last time the Vancouver police had to use tear gas to disperse rioters was in 1994 when the Canucks lost to the New York Rangers in game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. So seeing as this is sports related here’s how game 7 stacked up:
4 Goals, 4 assists, 3 power plays, 6 penalty minutes, 57 shots on goal, 30 blocked shots, 76 hits, 100,000 outdoor spectators, 100 people treated for tear gas exposure, 4 stabbings, 8 head wounds, 5 lacerations and 2 burnt out vehicles.
What a game!
Anyway, there was some seriously dastardly shit going on in downtown Vancouver last night. Check out this video, for example, starting at around 2:50 you see a guy in a baseball cap, that people have identified as a security guard, appear and start grabbing people and tossing them away from the store front they’re trying to smash. The mob then proceeds to beat the shit out of him:
This video shows a moron with white-boy dreads jumping up and down on a police car, followed by other morons doing the same and then someone sets the car on fire:
Here we see the second vehicle that was set a ablaze, a pick-up truck, at the corner of Georgia & Hamilton streets in downtown Vancouver, which was the exact intersection where the games had been shown on the big screen. Also, I feel I should mention at around the same area is the Queen Elizabeth Theater where some hoity-toity types were taking in a performance of Wicked instead of watching the game like good Vancouverites. They had to wait 30 minutes after the show had ended before the streets were clear enough for them to leave the theater:
Here we see one of the good guys lamenting the boneheads that started the violence, the interview was abruptly abandoned as the guy had trouble speaking due to tear gas in the air:
And finally, the Mayor of Vancouver commenting on the riots last night:
All I can say is I would probably also be upset if my team loss the Stanley Cup in a shut-out on home ice. How embarrassing. What’s more embarrassing, though, is looking like a bunch of brain-dead thugs on national television.