I was listening to NPR yesterday on the drive home and they were discussing Apple’s latest press release of what they call iCloud. Someone referred to Steve Jobs as “The Thomas Edison of our day.” I threw up in my mouth a little bit, then I yelled ‘pftthh!’ out loud to nobody in particular, feeling the need to make sure my disgust was registered. Please take heed that I want this duly noted in the log.
So I’m typing this on a Macbook and I’ll later be checking my twitter feed from a jail-broken iPhone once it’s posted. I say this to qualify myself as both a Mac user and also a fair user of my iPhone. I’ve said all that to say this: Steve Jobs is no Thomas Edison.
Thomas Edison had a workshop where he tinkered with things and mostly through curiosity he stumbled upon some great inventions that have revolutionized the way we live. While it’s arguable that the iPod has also brought about some widespread game changes, I’d like to point out that Jobs didn’t invent the iPod in any way similar to how Edison invented the phonograph.