Tonight we want to see your old books!
Also, for those of you who are interested, book-industry lifer Delta Sierra will give you an auction-style price range if you describe to her the book you have squirreled away at home.
Title, author, publisher, date published. ISBN is useful. Signed by author? Whether or not it has a dust-jacket, unless it was issued without one. (How to tell? Give her the other stuff, she’ll see what she can find out). She’ll need also a description of its condition. Pristine? All-over tape? Totally wrecked? Not too bad? Do your best to give me an idea of its condition. Photos are good, especially of the back of the title page, since that’s where all the bibliographic information is located. The title page comes right after the half-title, and has publisher’s name, date of issue, ISBN, maybe Library of Congress cataloguing information.
Note: no comics, sorry, She just doesn’t know anything about them.
A note on posting images:
Upload your picture to a service like Flickr, Picasa, Imgur or TinyPic and make sure that you have it set as a publicly viewable file. Right-click on the picture (or for Mac users, do the two-finger tap) and select “Copy Image URL” or whatever similar option the menu gives you. Then, paste that URL into the designated space of the code below:
Or, if you would rather have something that you can actually copy:
<img src=”” >
The image must end in .jpg, .png., .gif or some other image format. Putting the HTML page that contains the image will not work.