A Southern California company has come up with a new gimmick to get free publicity and expand the areas where they can advertise. They have offered to paint your home as a billboard for their company, Adzookie, and in exchange they will make your monthly mortgage payment for you. Once the term of the contract is up in 3 to 12 months they will repaint your home the previous color. Assuming your neighbors don’t repaint it for you in the darkness of night.
All you have to do is fill out a form and tell them why you should be selected to be a blight on your neighborhood. They will be looking for homes that get enough eyeballs looking at them to make it worth the mortgage payment. That means traffic, population density and that their target demographics are likely to pass by. The demographic would be people who want to use the Adzookie service to push ads onto mobile phones.
Aside from having the word “Adzookie” painted on your house and having to endure constant dookie jokes, there are a few more pressing issues with this. It may be against certain zoning laws that cover where advertisements of a certain size are not allowed. No homeowners’ association will approve this since it doesn’t conform to the exact shade of beige your neighborhood uses. Finally, your house will get egged by an angry mob of teenagers on a daily basis because it’s like painting a target on your house.
The company has committed $100,000 to this project so they won’t be able to paint more than a few homes and pay those mortgages which means this is more of a stunt than an actual plan for advertising.
There is a similar, yet successful business model of wrapping cars in an adhesive plastic wrap to advertise many products. In these cases the drivers are either paid a set amount or given a car pre-wrapped with a contract to drive the car a certain number of miles.
Source SFGate.