So imagine, hypothetically, that you just started writing on a blog with a bunch of people that you barely know. It would probably be pretty similar to singing Karaoke with your co-workers, right? A collaborative endeavor, where you are feeling each other out and you will see each other again tomorrow, but the interactions are mediated, and it’s not like you are likely to really tell someone else how you really feel.
How much is too much?
As with Karaoke, it’s a fine balance. Start posting a lot more than everyone else? You’re a mic hog. Everyone will secretly wish that you would just go home. Post too little? Well now the party is just going to suck. And you know what? It will be your fault. Plus, you will force them to pick up the slack, turning them into mic hogs!
Song selection matters
Yeah, I love Steve Reich too, but just because you somehow found a Karaoke Bar with Different Trains Part I doesn’t mean that you should find yourself murmuring “fastest train” and “From New York to Los Angeles” into a microphone. We are all busy; we could be anywhere. Make it fun.
Do it. Actually, this one is pretty simple.
Sure, everyone says that you should bang out your “go to” songs. But this is wrong. And boring. If I wanted to listen to a perfect version of Midnight at the Oasis, I’d ring up Maria Muldaur. I can’t imagine she’s very busy. (This is how it’s done!) Nope. I want to hear you try something new and crazy. I want to laugh (and drink). Something you are familiar with in the middle of the evening is fine, but you should be pushing yourself. Give me something new!
…but not too much
But look, if you have only heard the chorus to a song, don’t sing it. If you don’t know anything about the subject, don’t make me read about it. Unless it’s really funny. Then it’s okay again.
Whatever you do, don’t start with a defense of anonymity and then a musing on blog-sharing etiquette. That’s like leading off with I Will Remember You and Sweet Caroline. What kind of loser are you anyway?
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