season 7

12 posts

Mad Men Open Thread: Season 7, Episode 12

These Sundays just keep sneaking up on us. Here we are, 3rd to last new episode of Mad Men. I know some people thought last week as a snoozefest, but I kind of enjoyed it.

Tonight’s episode is called “Lost Horizon.” Here’s the preview (even though we know it’s all cutaways that  don’t mean what we think they do). Continue reading

Mad Men Post-Mortem: Waterloo

Author’s note: This week’s format is just a bit different than the rest of this series this season. I hope you enjoy!

Spoilers ahead!

When was the last time the country sat in front of the television, riveted by a technological advance happening right in front of their eyes? Not something shitty like last year’s Boston Bombing and the subsequent movie-like criminal chase that had everyone glued to their favorite news outlet, but something where we just go, “Holy shit. I just witnessed history.” This week’s mid-season finale of Mad Men took place during the days of the Apollo 11 mission that put Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon. Continue reading