
3 posts

Majestic Purple Plants For Your Garden

Purple.  It’s the color of royalty, one of the three colors of Mardi Gras, and one of the must have colors in any garden space.  It can heat up a cool toned garden or cool off a hot toned garden.  It works well as a wall color, but for me it shows its best face is when its attached to a plant.  Here’s a list of 15 purple flowers and plants that you can add to your garden for some truly amazing results.  Programming note: for this series, I am trying to feature new and upcomming hybrids and little used plants that people aren’t as familiar with as well as some of my personal favorite plants in the color theme. Continue reading

Purple is Back (And I’m On Board if I Can Call it Plum)

Gosh, I hate to be the “I told you so” girl. Wait, no I don’t. I LOVE being her. Anyway, I predicted it, okay? Purple is rolling back into your lives on the everywhere scale.

Here is the thing about purple that I have learned; for people who love it, it never goes out of style. They are the purple people, and they started their love affair with it long ago in a land of Polly Pockets and My Little Ponies. F’real. It is a magical colour to many.  Continue reading