QOTD: The Takedown

Nothing feels quite as good as ripping someone deserving to shreds, does it? Really destroying someone who seriously and unquestionably had it coming. God, isn’t that the best? I mean, besides helping the poor and hungry and stuff. That’s totes better. But second to that, there’s just nothing like an epic takedown.

Of course, not all of us are pros at The Takedown. Some of us are too nice, some of us just aren’t clever enough, and some of us just have better things to do. (Not me, obviously. I don’t even have better things to do than write a blog post about takedowns, so, there ya go.) Fortunately, there are some people out there who are simply fantastic at knocking people down to size, whether it’s with an epic rant (shown beautifully here by the blog 2birds1blog, in the greatest rant about Bobby Flay known to man, with a h/t to EPuff) or a blissfully perfect impersonation of idiocy, as exemplified by the wonderful Tina Fey as Sarah Palin.

Of course, I could go on for hours, mostly about the inimitable Jon Stewart, but mostly, we’d rather hear from you, in answer to today’s QOTD: What’s your favorite takedown of all time?

Photo credit: ezgear.com

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