
23 posts
Subjecting You to the Tyranny of My Predilections Since 2012.

The Year in Pop & Rock: Part Three

Kiedis, leader singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and occasional leather daddy, poses with the rest of the band in a Los Angeles alleyway, 2011

In this concluding edition of the year in review, we will touch upon the developments within the sphere of indie music, reissues, and the absolute worst albums released in 2011. Without further ado, let’s jump on in. Continue reading

The Year in Rock & Pop: Part One

Whew! Another year has passed and left an oily slick of music in its wake. Some of that music was good and some of it was lousy but on balance, 2011 was a pretty exciting year in the music industry. As expected, CDs continued their slow death march but to the delight of music nerds and audiophiles everywhere, vinyl sales grew. Spotify graced us with its benevolent presence, thereby saving thousands of cubicle dwellers from the tyranny of their coworkers’ Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift playlists. Napster, Spotify’s precursor, bit the dust (much to the delight of Lars Ulrich—more on him later) and iTunes’ creator passed away.  Continue reading