smart went crazy

11 posts
Smart Went Crazy is a bleeding heart liberal en route to her (damned, damned) PhD in whatever. In her previous and put-on-hold life, she was a poet, which means her grasp of sentence construction is tenuous at best.

I shouldn’t be blogging here

My life.

And it isn’t because you guys are so much cooler than I am.  It’s that I will use the awesomeness I find here to further put off the work that’s making my head spin.

I am your resident PhD student on the verge of prelims; your full-time university employee tasked with impossible tasks; your obsessive and sometimes humorless ranter – in those cases usually found either bitching people out who don’t understand research yet try to sound smart about their ignorance or dissolving into arglebargle over GLBT stuff.

As I said earlier today, I have a giant case of the gay.

I hope to minimize lolwut and arglebargle, but I have an earnest Midwestern streak in me that just won’t quit.

Fun facts: New York City is too warm for me to live in. I think being married is awesome. I <3 Minnesota.

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