
4 posts

Recipe Sunday: Spaghetti Squash

Typically squash recipes pop up around fall, when the weather starts getting chilly and people start roasting veggies. However, I recently discovered the magic of spaghetti squash and want to share the good news. Now, I won’t try to tell you that it’s just like eating a bowl of pasta, but the texture and mild flavor of the squash really lend themselves to some interesting sauce pairings. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Chicken and Veggie Skillet

I hate cleaning up after cooking. HATE IT. That is why, when I find a recipe that only gets one skillet dirty, I become a huge fan. The original recipe (which I found in the amah-zing Better Homes and Gardens Chicken Dinners magazine) calls for yellow squash, and does not include any onion and garlic, which I believe are a must for 90% of the dishes in my house. I also bought these great shiitake mushrooms at the grocery store and they complemented the other veggies nicely. Continue reading