
4 posts

Recipe Sunday: Baked Grouper Topped with Garlic Shrimp

I absolutely love fish and seafood. I grew up eating fish at least once a week, and I try to keep the tradition going. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve had the best luck at our local fish market and buying fish on Tuesdays. I decided to take the traditional baked grouper up a notch by creating a sort of scampi sauce for small shrimp and then topping my grouper with this concoction. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Risotto alla Penski

RisottoAllaPenskiRisotto is one of those dishes that gets a lot of flack for being “hard to make”. Yes, you can’t just set it and forget it, and it is a bit of a pain to stir it every few minutes, but the effort is totally worth it, and realistically you will only be stirring on-and-off for about thirty minutes. NBD. This recipe is near and dear to my heart as I created it when I was wooing my husband. On Tuesday we celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary, so I can say with confidence that this dish will certainly get you some. Continue reading