
10 posts

Run Less, Run Faster Book Review

run-less-run-fasterI have established elsewhere I am not a very fast runner. However, I am obsessed with reading about running and trying out new training programs. I purchased this book about a month and a half ago, and so far I am very impressed with the methodology.

First of all, the authors of “Run Less, Run Faster: Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary 3-Run-a-Week Training Program” are bona-fide scientists with the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST). Their focus is on injury prevention due to over-training. The premise of the book is that each run should have a purpose: to make you faster.

This methodology is not about jogging for the sake of jogging but focusing your training on three runs: Continue reading

The Solitude and Pain of an Early Morning Run for a Non-Runner

800px-Harlem_MeerMy alarm goes off at 5 AM, but lately I’m already awake to dismiss it. I’m not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, but I love solitude and on the streets of New York, if you want to run mostly alone, you have rise before the sun.

I sleep in two stubby, curly pigtails so I can just slip on a headband, my uniform of cropped microfiber pants, one of my beloved and now-discontinued Duck sports bras, t-shirt, fleece, and ugly but sublime-feeling New Balances. I keep a mug of cold coffee by my bed that I down like medicine, before grabbing my phone, Metrocard and head out the door. Continue reading

Today is National Running Day!

What is  National Running Day you ask?

From the National Running Day website:

“National Running Day, held annually on the first Wednesday in June, is a day when runners everywhere declare their passion for running. Wherever we are and whomever we’re with, we run—fast or slow, alone or with others, all over town or just around the block. It is a coast-to-coast celebration of a sport and activity that’s simple, inexpensive, and fun. It’s the perfect way for longtime runners to reaffirm their love of running and for beginners to kick off a lifetime and life-changing commitment.” Continue reading

Women’s Day Warm Up – No Man Would or Could Do This

Amber Miller, 27 years old,  completed the Chicago Marathon this Sunday at a relatively slow time of 6:25:50.  That isn’t a terribly remarkable feat, especially given that she ran the Wisconsin Marathon in May and logged in a time of 4:23:07. Was she disappointed? Not at all.

What is remarkable is that Miller was just shy of 39 weeks pregnant while running the Chicago Marathon and felt contractions begin several minutes after she crossed the finish line.   When contractions became regular she stopped to get a sandwich. Only a handful of hours later, she popped out baby June who was a hefty 7 lbs 13 oz. As a thrice pregnant lady, I can tell you that I also find it astounding that she ran a damn fine marathon in Wisconsin when she was 17 weeks pregnant. Continue reading

Hashers: Drinkers with a Running Problem

Circle up, virgins, because today Clarity83 and I are going to tell you about this thing called the Hash House Harriers!

If you hear someone talking about going to “the hash,” “hashing,” or being a “hasher,” that person is probably not talking about drugs. It is likely that the person is part of a club that lovingly calls itself “a drinking club with a running problem,” known as The Hash House Harriers a.k.a. the hash.

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