
4 posts

Recipe Sunday: Barley and Endive Salad with Parsley Pesto

saladMy father-in-law is a vegan and he mostly lives on tofu. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, I never really enjoyed tofu until he made me his signature dish.

He mixes together a mean stir-fry of tofu, broccoli, onions, chili oil, and he uses garlic so judiciously that I don’t even know it’s there. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Spaghetti Squash

Typically squash recipes pop up around fall, when the weather starts getting chilly and people start roasting veggies. However, I recently discovered the magic of spaghetti squash and want to share the good news. Now, I won’t try to tell you that it’s just like eating a bowl of pasta, but the texture and mild flavor of the squash really lend themselves to some interesting sauce pairings. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Kale, Parsley and Basil Pesto

Do you know what’s delicious? Olive oil, parmesan, nuts, lemon and a lot of black pepper. Oh, and something green in the mix too.

Last week I was talking to my mother on the phone, when she happened to mention that my cousin had made kale pesto for the family over the weekend. I promptly filed that away in my head as “something I’d like to try.” Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Tortellini with Arugula Pesto and Tomatoes

This is my second tortellini recipe for Crasstalk. You may say I have an obsession, and you would be correct. This recipe is adapted from the Weight Watchers cookbook, but I upped the amount of olive oil, and substituted some of the arugula with basil. The result is sublime, and just light enough for a summer meal. Make sure to accompany the dish with crusty bread. Continue reading