
10 posts


QOTD: Your Ex Wants to Apologize

Today in the Washington Post, there was an article by Carolyn Hax addressing a debate by a couple of friends on whether or not it is beneficial for an ex to apologize for past transgressions. One friend said that it was rather arrogant of the ex and was only to clear his conscience. The other friend said that it might help bring closure to a bad breakup.

What do you think? Is it helpful to the person wronged? Does it let both people get past the relationship? What if a lot of time had passed? Personally, I don’t think there is one answer to this but it would be an interesting debate.

(Photo via Flickr: Woodley Wonderworks)

“Retard” is Ann Coulter’s “Go To” Word

Oh, remember a couple months ago when reigning Worst Person in the World, Bill O’Reilly, said an outrageous thing about DNC speaker, Sandra Fluke? And he made us all bubble up with loathing and face-igniting rage? Well, his mate in abominable-person hell has spoken up and challenged him for the position of soul-sucking, earth-destroying bringer of cosmic doom from the sheer amount of detestable, turgid shit-spew they’ve launched into the world. Why, hello, Ann Coulter. Have a seat. Continue reading

Todd Akin Would Like McCaskill to be More “Ladylike;” We Would Like Todd Akin to Stop Talking Forever

Oh, good Christ with a hammer. Todd Akin is speaking again. And of course his topic of choice is women. A topic he’s shown to be mentally handicapped at discussing. This time instead of making noxious commentary about what he thinks happens in the lady wombs of rape victims, he’s now observing behavior in his opponent in the Senate race, Claire McCaskill, that he’d like to share. And this time it’s a winner! No, not at all. Continue reading

Mitt Romney’s Sour Grapes Response to NAACP Booers

What happens when you come before an organization that is about the advancement of African-Americans, a large percentage of whom voted for the current president, and you disparage him in your speech by using the weird, teabagger-esque colloquialism for the Affordable Health Care Act, and call it “Obamacare?” Yeah, well you get booed. So what’s your response? Diminish the entire group by saying they’re just out looking for a free ride. Continue reading

Chris Brown Continuously Villified Because He Hasn’t Earned Any Other Response

Chris Brown has been in the news pretty much nonstop since the Grammy award telecast on Sunday night. He performed twice during the live show and was awarded a Grammy for Best R&B album — but the backlash in the aftermath has been swift. Not only for what many perceive as an award for domestic violence against then-girlfriend Rihanna by his return to the Grammy stage less than five years after the incident, but also for a series of tweets from his fans that extolled the virtues of being beaten by the singer, and now for an idiotic tweet Brown regaled the public with in some sort of “I have a Grammy Now, Eff Off” bit of a self-mutilating PR nightmare. Continue reading

Jerk Alert: No, Your Toe Shoes Don’t Make You Important

Jerks. They exist. We see them everyday. They sit in the cubicle next to you. Perhaps they rub their butt on your hand while on the subway, or they ride on the stair directly behind you on an escalator and breathe garlic-onion dip on the back of your neck. COURTESY STAIR! COURTESY STAIR! You always provide one courtesy stair after the person in front of you. Sheesh. These guys, and many others like them litter our world with their collective jerkiness totally oblivious to their er, problem, while nonchalant in their affect, and mostly unrepentant.

Today we’ll start calling out jerks. Because, really, they need to know. Continue reading

TV’s 10 Greatest A-Holes

An asshole isn’t a villain. He isn’t the CEO of an evil conglomerate secretly trying to take over the world. He’s the friend you have to apologize for after the party, but you continue to invite anyways. Here’s a list of the Top 10 TV Assholes; what makes them jerkfaces, dickwads, and tools; and the redeemable qualities that earn them a little place in our hearts. Continue reading

Anti-Union Right Wingers Are Union Members

Taking the right wing’s common hypocrisy to mind-numbing new heights, three major conservative commentators – who have been harshly critical of the demonstrations in Wisconsin by union members – all belong to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists union (AFTRA), which is the AFL-CIO affiliate for television and broadcast workers.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly have have all been outspoken in their lack of sympathy to the struggles of public employee unions in Wisconsin.  A representative for Glenn Beck denies that he is a union member, although it’s puzzling as to how that may be, since he, Hannity and O’Reilly famously all work for the same news organization.

According to, which posted the story on February 26, 2011:

On Feb. 18, Limbaugh said on his radio program, “We are either on the side of the Wisconsin protesters or we are on the side of our country.” Hannity has featured several guests critical of the union and its supporters, including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, on his Fox News television and radio shows.

On the Feb. 18 edition of “The O’Reilly Factor,” O’Reilly stated, “Governments can’t afford to operate” because of “union wages and benefits.”  But it turns out that opposing workers’ rights isn’t the only thing these blowhards have in common.

To read the rest of the story go here.

AFTRA card photo here.