
47 posts

Hobby Lobby’s the ‘Green Collection’ – Wanted: Old Christian Manuscripts

Hobby Lobby is a huge, rich corporation “person” that wants to control more than the place you buy your craft supplies and birth control. They seem to have their fingers in lots of different evangelical pies. It is actually pretty confusing to try and follow everything they are into; but it is certain that they want to implement a hardline evangelical agenda on many fronts and these include a mammoth collection of ancient biblical manuscripts, a National Bible Museum, public school textbooks, and a whole lot more. Continue reading

Schmidt’s Top Eight Greatest Jewish Quotes

MaxGreenfieldWhether he’s filling his party bus with kosher yogurt (kosher yog) or naming his unborn child in honor of the little-known rabbi Menachem Menandel Schmerson (I hear he was based out of Philadelphia), New Girl‘s Schmidt is constantly coming up with Jewish one-liners funny enough to make you laugh until you’re verklempt. As Schmidt would say, “I’m like a sexual snowflake. Each night with me is like a unique experience.” In honor of Chanukah, here’s a list of Schmidt’s 8 Greatest Jewish Quotes, one to make each night of Chanukah a unique experience.

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Saying Goodbye to Faith, for Good

Late this Spring, my parents were in a car accident. It was early evening. It was raining, and the car hydroplaned. It went over a guard rail, flipped over, and came to a stop on the side of a hill. My mom suffered some severe but not life-threatening injuries. She was beside my father as the first responders tried, but ultimately failed, to revive him on scene.

They were out of province, on their way home from their 33rd wedding anniversary vacation. Continue reading

QOTD: What’s Your Pope Opinion?

On the left, the famous/infamous red leather shoes of Pope Benedict XVI, soon to be ex-Pope. Who will fill them in his absence?

His resignation today, apparently for reasons of poor health, stunned the Catholic world – it is the first time since 1415 that a reigning pope has resigned. It is reported that he will continue to live in Vatican City – how will the new pope handle this?

So many questions and, so far, so few answers. Not exactly a new circumstance for the Catholic church.

What do Catholics want in a new pope? A true personna christi, a good embodiment of Christ’s teachings, as seems to be the concern of many responders to this 2012 Our Sunday Visitor article? Continue reading