
29 posts
badhatharry used to do surgery for girls in the eighties but gravity always wins. He can be reached at [email protected]

Shell Crowdsources its Marketing With The Results You’d Expect

Shell Oil has a meme generator. Instead of fundie mom and ceiling cat, this one has pictures of arctic landscapes and wildlife. Shell wanted people to create their own slogans for the pictures, and people could vote on them. The winner gets posted on billboards.

Oh, Shell. It’s sweet that you thought you could trust the Internet. It’s also really dumb. Really, really, really, really REALLY dumb.

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A White Guy Writing About an Even Whiter Guy Talking to a Bunch of Black People

Today, in what has to be the most ingenious way for Mitt Romney’s campaign director to turn in his notice, Mr. Romney gave a speech to the NAACP. Governor Romney was in Houston today speaking in front of the annual meeting of the NAACP. First, he didn’t rub the stump when he first came out, which pissed a lot of people off. Then, he explained to them that “If you want a president who will make things better in the African-American community, you are looking at him. You take a look.” I haven’t seen video on this segment, but I’m sure the crowd was ecstatic to find a fabulously wealthy white guy who finally gets what the black community is going through. I’m sure the crowd leapt to their feet in thunderous applause and cheers because they truly believe that this man knows more about their plight than a man who is 50% more black than he is. Continue reading

Community #ThreeSeasonsAndTheEnd

Dan Harmon has decided to step down as showrunner of Community. In a press release, he stated, “While I cherish the time we all spent creating something that has touched a portion of the population, I have decided to step aside and let another voice take over, and to pursue other projects in television. NBC has been nothing less than supportive of me, and I look forward to producing more television shows with them.” Continue reading

Catholic League Slams Those Who Adopt

The Catholic League, the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization (according to their website – I haven’t seen a study on this), is a group that “…defends the right of Catholics – lay and clergy alike – to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.” Okay. That’s nice. It’s awfully brave of you to stand up for the largest religious group in the United States. It’s inspiring me to form a group to stand up for the rights of meth manufacturers and users in California’s central valley. Continue reading

QOTD: How Do You Take Your Coffee?

Monkeybiz, when he is not stabbing roommates or going on safari with his cat, is ordering a “Venti iced coffee, sweetened, with cream, light ice.”  Here is what I order: “Coffee.”  Verona if I’m at Starbucks, Major Dickason’s if I’m at Peet’s, and I don’t remember if I’m at a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.  If the place has a Clover, I’ll get that. If it’s in the afternoon, I’ll get a mocha.  I like chocolate, and if I have that in the morning the sugar really messes me up.  If I’m at a diner and the coffee is old or not very good, I’ll put a little bit of sugar in it.  At home, I use a French Press on the weekend with Peet’s Major Dickason’s, and during the week when I don’t have time to deal with the press, I use a Kuerig with the Green Mountain French Roast pods.  I’ll put a little bit of sugar in that.  I’m willing to sacrifice a bit of quality for ease of use on weekday mornings. Continue reading

Indiana Wants Creation Taught In Schools

Indiana State Senator Dennis Kruse does not believe in Evolution. Unlike most of us, who just influence those in our direct company, Senator Kruse has a larger mouthpiece.  He wrote a bill about it.  Senate Bill 89, in its original text,  calls for the teaching of “Creation Science” alongside Evolution. The version of the bill that passed “Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life. Requires the curriculum for the course to include theories from multiple religions.” I’m guessing they amended the bill because the 1987 Supreme Court case Edwards v Aguillard ruled that the teaching of “Creation Science” was favorable toward one religion. Those of you who got through the first two paragraphs of the Constitution know that’s a no-no. Continue reading

Kim Jong 2: Electric Boogaloo Kicks The Bucket

Kim Jong-il has died.  The 69 year-old North Korean leader died Saturday of what North Korean media said was a “great mental and physical strain” on his train during a “high intensity field inspection.”  The first part most likely points to a heart attack.  I have no idea what the second quote means.  I’m going to guess the heart attack on the train means that he died while doing the nasty.

Kim was referred to as North Korea’s “Dear Leader.”  His father, Kim il Sung, is referred to as the nation’s “Eternal President.”  He founded North Korea in 1948. Continue reading