Question of the Day: Calling Dibs on New-Earth

Have you heard the news? Scientists have discovered an earth-like planet orbiting the nearest star to our solar system. Better call territorial dibs in the name of your future Utopian society before someone else gets there first!

Unfortunately we’re still a few decades away from sending probes to explore this newly discovered planet so we will have to assume the planet is not merely Earth-like but an Earth replica. This is your exclusive chance to claim territory there before a single human foot steps on it!

Since it’s my post, I get to call dibs first. I’m claiming the French Riviera for future Piecelandia chosen for its temperate clime, plethora of native plants and animals, and manageable area which I would only need to maintain a small army to defend.

If there are any disputes over territories please duke it out in the comments with crudely shaped spears and arrows as our prehistoric ancestors did.

Choose wisely as you only get one shot at this and dibs are, of course, legally binding.


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