The Daily Sausage – Monday Edition

Early and Often, not-so-Clear Channel, the Unaccountable Executive Branch Debate, an Elite obsession, the frayed ends of sanity, the secret of our non-success, the voter-fraud myth, and the Liberated Romney.

Welcome to the Daily Sausage.

First up, we have this:

via Balloon Juice

Early and Often.

Next up, you may have seen the big “Voter fraud is a felony!” signs in and around your city of residence. Welp, Clear Channel is taking them down as they apparently violate Clear Channel’s rules.

Nevermind the fact that they only went up in areas inhabited by primarily minority voters.

Tonight is the third and final Presidential Debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, focusing on foreign policy.

Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce is calling it the “Unaccountable Executive Branch” debate.

Here’s the way I see it: if We The People are going to endow our President with the ability to wage a robot war anywhere on Earth with no transparent legal oversight, then we have a responsibility to the rest of the world to ensure the people running that war are not just indiscriminately blowing up brown folks and camels, and at the very least moralize about it a bit first before coming to the exact same conclusion.

Personally, I’d prefer if that weren’t the case, but I’m having my own Dr. Strangelove moment, or “How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love The Legally Unaccountable And Opaque Drone War”.

Either way, this debate should consist of President Obama walking on stage, thanking the moderator, saying “I gave the order that killed Bin Laden.”, literally dropping the mic,  then walking off stage, leaving Mitt Romney to debate with an empty podium.

Krugthulu rises once more, taking on the Very Serious People and their deficit obsession. The American people have been very, very bad and need to be punished. David Brooks is already warming up his spanking arm.

Ed from Gin and Tacos keys on the theme of the next few days worth of Sausages: The Frayed Ends of Sanity.

There are quite a few people out there who have the same viscerally negative reaction to Obama that many of us did to Bush. Just like lots of us swore and fumed and said mean things after the 2004 election, lots of people will have plenty of swearing and venting to do if Obama is re-elected in two weeks. I’m a bit nervous, though. The anti-Obama rhetoric has a flavor all its own, which is to say apocalyptic and violent and tribalist. It worries me not because I think it represents the thinking of the average Republican – it doesn’t – but because there is some minority, however small, that seems primed for a major over-reaction if Obama wins.

There is some number of people out there – I have no idea if it’s ten, a hundred, or a million, but they exist – who are going to, for lack of a classier term, completely and totally lose their shit if Romney does not win. It has little to do with Romney and everything to do with confirming their paranoid suspicion about what has happened to Their country. It has been stolen from them by the Muslim Usurper, who of course will have stolen the election (how could he win legitimately?) with busloads of illegal immigrants and Welfare Queens bribed with Obama Phones and the New Black Panthers and the U.N. and every other neo-Bircher boogeyman in the modern pantheon. If you thought the 1990s were bad under Clinton – Waco, Oklahoma City, the Michigan Militia, the Montana Freemen, etc. – I don’t want to think about the level of anti-government insanity we might be primed to see in the next four years.

And what might make Ed think this, and me agree with him? Our eyes turn to Texas, where a number of Obama campaign signs were vandalized with what appear to be bullet holes and racial epithets/condiments.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go stock up for The Revolution and prep The Wall, as there are a number of people that need to be First Up Against It.

The Keynesian Killer rides again with a second article on “The Secret of our Non-Success”, asking why the economic slump has been so protracted. Short answer: no one took K-Thug’s advice and faked an alien invasion.

The New Yorker has a great profile on Hans von Spakovsky, the Republican Voter Bogeyman. Spakovsky isn’t like Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot-level evil, but in the Pantheon of Evil Americans, he’s certainly up there.

And finally, Matt Taibbi takes us to Mitt Romney’s long overdue liberation from anything fact based.

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