Michele Bachmann Attacks Hillary Clinton’s Aide in Manufactured Muslim War of her Own Creation

So Michele Bachalooloo has done one of those things that she’s known for. Be a complete and utter Islamaphobic, paranoid, tsunamis of blood minion of unblinking eyeballs with Wrath of Kahnian mania. In short. She’s off her nutter again.

This time she takes aim at the “halls of our United States” since she’s certain that as we speak there’s “deep penetration” happening among it by the Muslim Brotherhood, whom she believes is infiltrating several agencies of government.

She’s seeking the assistance of the inspector generals in the State, Homeland Security, Defense and Justice Departments and imploring they look into “policies and activities that appear to be the result of influence operations conducted by individuals and organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

I’m sorry, but doesn’t this seem like the plot of the best (worst) 1960’s crime show ever? Like The Man From U.N.C.L.E. co-starring Shelly Bachmann as “Tinga” the covert operative sent to take down THRUSH and other enemies of peace with her 20th century persuasion machine made with a hair dryer and Lifebuoy soap?

As her mind has convinced her, because there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of evidence outside the whirling dervish of inanity that plays itself out regularly in her prejudiced lock-box of a brain, she’s screeching to anyone who’ll listen all about the plots and plans the Muslim Brotherhood has and just how far they’re willing to go. All the way to the top apparently. All the way.

“It appears that there are individuals who are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood who have positions, very sensitive positions, in our Department of Justice, our Department of Homeland Security, potentially even in the National Intelligence Agency.”


Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), a practicing Muslim, wasn’t ready to pass this off as some sort of silly dream Bachmann had that she unwisely decided to share with the world, and asked her to provide him with “a full accounting of the sources you used to make the serious allegations against the individuals and organizations in your letters” and further warned like a badass, that there better be “credible, substantial evidence” for her claims.

After shaking the acorns from her mind-tree, Bachmann returned volley with a 16 page diatribe that named several known Islamic organizations and advocacy groups, but as the Huffington Post reports, these findings pretty much amount to, “All these Muslimarab groups are all plotting to blow us up! All of them! We must stop them! All the Muslimarabs! Yikes! Oh No! Cripes! Scary, Scary Muslims! Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang! Marcus Save Us!”

After all that nonsense, we finally get to a nugget stuck in there between Bachmann’s alarmist ramblings that really sends this whole thing into orbit. It’s regarding Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, and Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin.

“The Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, has three family members — her late father, her mother and her brother — connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her position provides her with routine access to the Secretary and to policy-making.”

She goes on to question Ms. Abedin’s security clearance by citing how the six degrees of separation work.

“Abedin’s [father supposedly] founded an organization that received the “quiet but active support” of the former director of the Muslim World League, an international NGO that was tied to the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe in the 1970s through 1990s. So, to connect Abedin to the Muslim Brotherhood, you have to go through her dead father, to the organization he founded, to a man who allegedly supported it, to the organization that man used to lead, to Europe in the 1970s and 1990s, and finally to the Brotherhood.”

Can you say conjecture and connecting the dots in the most unfounded way and full of the kind of batshit frippery that boggles the mind? We’re thinking she could probably play this game until she trekked across the entire world, connected Abedin to a sasquatch, then a Sherpa, a garbage man in Illinois, and then finally Barack Obama, the biggest MuslimArab of them all! Right, Shelly?

Amazingly John McCain today has told Shelly to “Shut your stupid face.”

Update: Here’s the best part of McCain’s speech.

Ultimately, what is at stake in this matter is larger even than the reputation of one person. This is about who we are as a nation, and who we aspire to be. What makes America exceptional among the countries of the world is that we are bound together as citizens not by blood or class, not by sect or ethnicity, but by a set of enduring, universal, and equal rights that are the foundation of our constitution, our laws, our citizenry, and our identity. When anyone, not least a member of Congress, launches specious and degrading attacks against fellow Americans on the basis of nothing more than fear of who they are and ignorance of what they stand for, it defames the spirit of our nation, and we all grow poorer because of it.

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