Coming Attractions: Possessed Kids are Making a Comeback and James Bond, Certified Badass

Shaken and stirred? Oh, definitely.

The Possession

Is it time to perhaps revisit the possessed child in movies theme? Well, maybe. This is in no way a new thing, but what we’ll say is, “If you’re gonna do it, at least make it interesting.” This is really hard to pull off since we’ve seen so much crap that revolves around this exact thing. It does beg the question of what’s left to explore? We get the impression Hollywood is still striving to eclipse The Exorcist once and for all, because what we all really know is, if you can’t Linda Blair your heinie off in a new film then why bother?

Yet, this new one from Sam Raimi ( The Evil Dead, The Grudge, Drag Me To Hell ) and starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgwick as parents to a possessed little girl, leaves us a bit intrigued. It’s based on a true story, so it tells us. Whatever that means. We’re sure if that turns out to be bunk, the blogs will out the lies in that statement. However, possibly to Raimi’s credit, it looks like it doesn’t want to be a complete retread of The Ring or The Grudge, and granted, there are a couple scenes in the trailer that are justifiably creeptastic. The problem is that there have just been sooo many movies about little girl exorcisms and kids in haunted houses in the last few years, that it’s hard to find the really winning scary tales mixed in with all the chum. But for right now, this looks interesting enough to possibly put on the list of fun, late summer fare.

August, 2012.


Many will argue who was the best James Bond of all James Bonds, but one thing is certain, no James Bond was ever this brooding or muscular (Click the link). Daniel Craig just sits on screen and smolders, barely uttering more than four words, and we get the firm notion that there will be hell to pay. We have no idea why he’s so angry, but boy does that icy, blue stare make you feel a bit uncomfortable in your seat.

Now, we can go on and on about the Jason Bourne-izing of the current James Bond franchise. Oh, yes, the word “Skyfall” sounds a bit like “Treadstone” when said in this context, and yes, Craig’s stony, thorny, crisp nuance here does make you think of a talking tree trunk with a jaw made of concrete, but he’s managed to do something with this character that hadn’t been done in the years prior — make him interesting. Now with Ralph Fiennes and Javier Bardem filling out some of those supporting roles, well, this promises to be something with a high octane component. With all the super, secret agent movies we’ve got on the horizon, we’d dare say Craig’s Bond is the only one in recent memory who proves to be as lethal and energizing as he promises. Even his running down the street makes you feel a little sorry for whoever he’s after. This is just a teaser, a mere morsel, hopefully the full trailer does the story more justice.

November, 2012.

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