Why Some Actors Should Never Sing

Now, we’ve long discussed the conundrum that is the singing actor vs. the acting singer. Some can pull both off very nicely. We like it when NPH does it yes? Yes. We can even say that we like it when Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway take to crooning. So it’s a splendid thing when you get two really good actors who can also belt out a song. Did you know that Robert Downey Jr. is a halfway decent singer? Meaning if you didn’t know it was him, you wouldn’t think it was him. Here check it out. Then there is a list of actors who should really just pick one or the other. We could put J.Lo in that category. The bigger list, however, is the list of actors who just shouldn’t sing again ever.

This is an even longer list. In this group you’ll find harmonica playing Bruce Willis, Russell Crowe our next Javert in the Les Misérables remake, twee goddess and cotton shiller Zooey Deschanel, and whatever this thing Kevin Costner is doing…sheesh…my ears.

Now it’s time to enter another talented actor into the throngs of “Never Quit Your Day Job.”

You would think that after doing a movie with Beyoncé…perhaps something rubbed off? But no, you would be so wrong about that. And it isn’t just that the singing is bad, and it is… crikey! The whole theme of the song is a bit cringe-inducing. AND this is one of the sexiest men acting today! Like literally oozes sex appeal. And his acting prowess is sensational. Stringer Bell…legendary. His performance in the Emmy nominated role of Luther…fabulous. But this is something he should never do again. How in the world did he manage to make sex sound uncomfortable?! So without further adieu…I give to you Idris Elba singing about doing things to your “Private Garden.” Blech.

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