Nerd News Roundup: Back From The Dead

Greetings. Aaye! QaQ Daq legh SoH! 0110100001101001! This week, we are going to roll up the black sleeves of our arcane robes, open a copy of Necromancy for Dummies and take a look at stories involving the undead, the soon to be dead those lucky few who have been brought back from Death’s cold grasp. Listen, and you’ll hear the Assassin’s song of Death. It’s the kind of music one would hear in a movie about a zombie falling for a girl. It’s certainly better than Archie and Jughead will be subjected to, that poor soul.  We’ll take a look at these tales and learn why Gary is a horrible, horrible person who deserves swift kick in the groin in this NERD NEWS ROUNDUP!


  • A new Game of Thrones RTS is in the works. Now you have to deal with Lannister siblings infiltrating your base for a booty call.
  • The Assassin’s Creed theme song will require you to have a “soft, melodic voice” so muffled screams and death rattles are out.
  • Maybe if you played video games more often and your team got $400k playing Call of Duty, you’d be able to pay off your student loans too. But noooo, you listened when everyone told you video games wouldn’t get you anywhere. Now your bitter tears can be used to season your ramen noodles.
  • Sony hires former US National Cyber Security Center director to handle PSN security. In related news, Sony has banned the following screen names: Crash Override, Zero Cool, Acid Burn,  Phantom Phreak and Cereal Killer.

Comic Books

  • Here are Cyclops’ new X-Men teams. They seem nice-ish.
  • Gary, whoever he is, stole a disabled man’s Superman collectables. Gary is a dick.
  • Decoy is Multiplicity plus True Lies with a little I, Robot thrown in and as hard as it is to believe, that just might be a good thing.
  • Well, perhaps this is how The Punisher chose to exact justice on Archie. I know listening to Kiss feels like a punishment to me.


  • Really Fox, you’re going to lose Locke & Key to MTV, a channel that’s done more to elevate the status of douche bags than any other channel ever?
  • 13 episodes of pure Zombie action and drama are coming October 16th with the return of The Walking Dead! I’m too excited to snark!
  • Alphas gets a beta season. Now you get to see more of them totally not being the X-Men at all.


  • Marty McFly’s shoes are now real and probably ready for purchase. Commence Squeeing.
  • Marion is a Liar, whose pants are constantly on fire. She should just admit to being Talia al Ghul so that everyone can complain that she spoiled the movie too early.
  • In Warm Bodies boy meets girl, zombie eats boy and zombie falls for girl. Oh and John Malkovich plays a bad guy too.

That’s a wrap folks! Join us next time when we discover just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Original photo courtesy of via flickr,  summoned, remixed and reanimated by MrAnansi on Crasstalk.

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