Crasstalk COW: Debtpocalypse Edition


The nice thing about being one of the most powerful countries in the world is that when you elect a handful of morons to help run a dysfunctional psuedo-democracy, those morons can help you ruin the economy for EVERYONE. Not just your country, but the whole world! Sorry guys, you’re coming with us into the abyss! USA! USA!

So, yeah, we spent a lot of time talking about the debt ceiling this week. We rehashed the history:

That makes as much sense as half the crap we’re hearing this week, honestly.  Seriously, is there anything worse than hearing about this on TV every day and wondering how we’re going to deal?

Fortunately, we have plenty of distractions from this.  Project Runway is back!

Then again, if anarchy takes over, even pop culture won’t be able to save us, or our little website.

The lesson there?  Don’t call Julie Andrews names like ‘manic’, or ‘pixie’.

But, what of the children in our new anarchic state? Will we close the schools?  What will we do with them?

It’s possible.  Heck, we won’t even be able to afford to take the kids out to eat if things get as bad as some might say.  So, what to do with them then?

That’s as realistic as any other plan I’ve heard.  Carry forth.

Again, thank you to everyone who submitted nominations and what not this past week.  I implore all of you who read around here to keep ’em coming to [email protected].  It makes my life easier, and makes this article so much more fun to read.

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